Las Vegas, Nevada Pest & Termite Experts
702.927.4335 / williamt@aspirepestcontrol.com / William Tuttle - Owner Operator
Pigeon Control Quote
Have pesky Pigeons? We are here to help
Service Description
Pigeons can carry a number of diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Why call Aspire for you pigeon problem? We have helped protect hundreds of families and businesses in the Las Vegas Valley become pigeon free with our Pigeon protection and Service Warranty. Here's what you get: CLEAN: Pigeons carry Diseases and so it’s important to Deep Clean and Sanitize all Pigeon problem areas. For most Homes it’s the roof areas or underneath Solar Panels. PREVENT: We want to help protect your home and health by ensuring Pigeons won’t be nesting on your property. We install High Quality Pigeon Guard to protect your solar panels. We also will install metal pigeon spikes on any areas we find pigeons prefer to land or nest. PROTECT: We understand your home or business is a huge investment and we want to make sure it’s a place where you can rest assured Pigeons won’t be a problem. We often times have to trap the remaining pigeons and relocate them to another location. 5 year Warranty!
Contact Details
Las Vegas, NV, USA